IVF: In Vitro fertilization

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In Vitro fertilization (IVF) is a reproductive technology which involves retrieving eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm. This embryo is understood as an embryo. The fetus is frozen for storage or transferred to a woman’s uterus. IVF helps individuals or couples who are undergoing infertility and want to have a baby.

ICSI: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) involves injecting a single live sperm directly into the centre of a human egg. The procedure was developed to achieve fertilization for couples with severe male factor infertility or couples who have had a failure to fertilize in a previous in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempt.

Steps of an IVF/ICSI cycle


A woman usually produces one egg during each cycle. However, IVF requires multiple eggs. Using many eggs improves the chances of developing a viable embryo. You’ll receive fertility medications to extend the number of eggs your body produces. During this point, our professional doctor will perform routine blood tests and ultrasounds to watch the assembly of eggs and know when to retrieve them.

Egg Retrieval

Egg Retrieval

Egg retrieval is recognized as follicular aspiration. It’s a surgery performed with anaesthesia. Our expert doctors use an ultrasound wand to guide a needle through your vagina, into your ovary, and an egg-containing follicle. The needle will suction eggs and fluid out of every follicle.

How is IVF and ICSI performed?

ICSI is done as a part of IVF. As with regular IVF, you’ll take ovarian stimulating drugs, and our doctor will monitor your progress with blood tests and ultrasounds. Once you’ve developed enough good-sized follicles, you’ll have the egg retrieval, where eggs are removed from your ovaries with a specialized, ultrasound-guided needle. Once the eggs are retrieved, an embryologist will place the eggs in a superior culture using a microscope and tiny needle. A single sperm will be injected into an egg. This will be done for each egg retrieved.
How is IVF and ICSI performed
Embryo Culture

Embryo Culture

To make sure that they’re dividing and developing, we will monitor the fertilized eggs. The embryos may experience testing for genetic conditions at this point.


When the embryos are healthy enough, they will be implanted. This happens typically three to 5 days after fertilization. Implantation involves inserting a skinny tube called a catheter which is inserted into your vagina, past your cervix, and into your uterus. We will then release the embryo into your uterus. Pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants itself within the uterine wall. This will take 6 to 10 days. A biopsy will determine if you’re pregnant.
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