
Cryopreservation is the phrase used to define the process of freezing and storing sperm, eggs or surplus embryos through an IVF cycle.

For freezing, there are 2 methods currently used in IVF labs-slow freezing and vitrification (ultra-rapid freezing)

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Sperm Freezing

Sperm freezing is known as cryopreservation, or semen banking is a procedure used to preserve sperms by freezing and banking in liquid nitrogen at the temperature of -196⁰C which is later used for fertilizing an egg.

Sperm freezing is useful:

What is the procedure before we store your sperm?

Embryo Freezing

Traditional IVF treatment protocols often result in more than three eggs being accumulated during a cycle; resulting in excess embryos. Embryo Freezing accommodates couples with the option of having excess to frozen embryos that can be used in future periods. There are many benefits of freezing embryos such as it reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies as we transport fewer embryos in the fresh cycle and cryopreserve supernumerary embryos. 

We improve the cumulative pregnancy rate by using cryopreserved embryos in thaw cycles. Cryopreservation cycles do not need ovarian stimulation and ovum pick up, the treatment is therefore significantly cheaper. Patients at risk of developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), can have the option of cryopreserving all embryos & prevent OHSS.

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